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Wednesday 21 March 2012

Olivia Palermo for Lifestyle magazine

Olivia Palmero is featured looking her usual amazing self for Lifestyle Mirror. A new website, designed to show celebrities in their natural habitats, has decided to feature Olivia and her gorgeous boyfriend in the Paris hotel Le Meurice.
                                                                            photos: Google images.
 I have to admit, I never like Olivia in The City. She appeared a bit too sure of herself, but I always hoped this was to create a little drama for the show. I tried so much to not like her, but she was just so graceful with such amazing style, that she turned into one of my favourite style icons. What's great about this shoot, is that you can shop the whole shoot! Yes, really...even her rug! Well, it's all a touch too expensive, but I think it's a great idea.


What do you think of Olivia Palmero? Would you consider her a style icon?

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